Obsessive Compulsions Disorder (OCD)

How does a person develop OCD?
Obsessive compulsions are learned behaviors. They become repetitive and habitual to an individual when a person associates those behaviors with relief from anxiety. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is due to both genetic and hereditary factors. A person with OCD will likely face chemical and functional abnormalities in their brain.
OCD is still not fully understood, and the root cause is not definite. There are several theories as to where OCD derives from, including:
- Genetic and hereditary factors.
- Chemical, structural and functional abnormalities in the brain
- Distorted beliefs.
- Compulsions are learned behaviors developed from association with anxiety relief.
It’s important to understand where your OCD may stem from in order to treat it better. Every person with OCD is different and has different obsessions and compulsions, which is why choosing the right OCD therapy is vital.
What are common symptoms of OCD & how are they treated?

What’s involved in OCD therapy?
OCD treatment is not a cure for this disorder, but it can help individuals learn how to manage their symptoms. The ultimate goal of treatment is to allow individuals to regain control over their lives. Most individuals with OCD are aware that their compulsions and obsessions are irrational. Yet, they feel powerless to stop acting on the behaviors without getting obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment. Seeking care early improves outcomes for reducing the symptoms and disruptions in an individual’s life.
Victory Bay can help manage these feelings and behaviors. We help individuals regain freedom and a sense of empowerment over their lives.
Mental Health Treatment Modalities