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State & Insurance Approved OSFED Treatment (1,000+ Five-Star Reviews)

Top-rated OSFED Treatment Program

Life-changing treatment protocols for Disordered Eating (OFSED) tailored to your individual needs.

24/7 Helpline

Same-day Admissions

Holistic & Individualized

Most Insurance Accepted

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Inpatient, Outpatient, & teleTherapy

Call us - You'll love being happy again.

At Victory Bay, our mission is to help you recover from Disordered Eating in an environment where you are loved and respected by everyone.

Victory Bay is fully licensed and credentialed. Our dedicated staff and facility meet the highest standards for treatment centers for mental health.

24/7 Helpline

Insurance Accepted

Multiple Locations

Dual Diagnosis Options

Inpatient, Outpatient, & teleTherapy

Inpatient Treatment

We offer inpatient treatment for Disordered Eating (ESFED). Offering programs for 7-28+ days, patients define their treatment goals with our clinical team which leverages evidence-based treatment protocols for eating disorders in a highly individualized environment.


Our Outpatient Disordered Eating programs allow clients to take control of their recovery while they live without interruption. With access to flexible scheduling and dedicated staff, our clients can maintain their normal daily routine while getting the treatment they need for sustained recovery

Intensive Outpatient

We offer several levels of Intensive Outpatient Disordered Eating (OSFED) and provide a customized program for each client. Our custom-designed treatment plans include the treatment modalities a patient needs at an intensity level that best fits their rehabilitation goals.


We offer telehealth services for both individual therapy and group therapy for our programs. Illness, transportation issues, and busy work schedules should not get in the way of prioritizing your recovery. We developed telehealth as a solution for busy adults who need to balance their recovery and personal life.


Disordered Eating (OSFED): Other specified feeding or eating disorders

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Disordered Eating (OSFED)

Disordered Eating can be subtle and cannot be solved by complete abstinence. This is part of what makes disordered Eating recovery so tricky: in order to heal, survivors must develop a new relationship with food and their body. Disordered Eating is defined by an upset in thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions around food and the body. Disordered Eating is a complex and life-threatening illness. It's essential to understand the signs and symptoms that your loved one may be struggling with an eating disorder.

What to expect?

Symptoms can widely range, some of the more common can include:

  • Fad diets
  • Cleanses
  • Heightened focus on appearance.
  • Skipping meals
  • Supplement misuse.
  • Diet pills
  • Extreme social media focused on appearance or food.
  • Undereating or Overeating
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The road to lifelong recovery starts in a safe and secure environment with trained professionals who will teach life skills and coping tools to begin a meaningful journey to recovery.

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Treatment in a structured 24-hour medical or psychiatric inpatient unit. Medical management and intensive treatment of physically harmful eating disorder behaviors, medical complications, and co-occurring disorders, along with a focus on weight restoration.

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Partial Hospitalization

Treatment typically occurs five days a week for six to eight hours each day. Client remains medically stable but requires more intensive, structured programming to reduce eating disorder behaviors.

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Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient Care (OP & IOP)

Lives at home or in a structured living environment with continued participation in group therapy sessions, individualized therapy sessions, educational programs on mental health, addiction, nutrition, and more.

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Eating Disorders Treatment Modalities

Therapy, psychiatry, and group support are important in a well-rounded eating disorder treatment program. The following services are provided:

Group and Individual Therapies
Nutritional Assessment and Consultation
Psychiatric Evaluation and Medication Prescription and Management
Psychoeducation; Educate and Inform Patients about the Disorder
Staff-supported Eating
Case Management
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Insurance may cover all costs associated with Disordered Eating treatment at Victory Bay - Immediately check your benefits coverage without impacting your insurance.