About Addiction
Codependency is a psychological condition in which a person has a preoccupation and unreasonable dependence on another person. A codependent relationship can be emotional, social, or physical. Although codependency is often associated with addiction, it can also happen outside of substance abuse. Overcoming codependency often requires professional help from an addiction treatment center in New…
Journaling is the process of writing or drawing your feelings and emotions down in a journal or diary. It can be a helpful tool for those who are recovering from addiction by advancing the healing process by working through difficult emotions. Studies have shown that journaling has been proven to reduce anxiety, depression, and grief.…
You may be wondering if your addiction is bad enough that you need professional addiction help. When it comes to addiction, it’s difficult to be objective. It’s even more difficult to admit that you may have a problem. However, once you address the problem head-on, you are ready to get on the road to recovery.…
Addiction is often characterized by negative thoughts and destructive behaviors. Many of these behaviors are governed by the effect that drugs or alcohol has on the brain. To stop addictive behaviors, a person needs to ‘rewire their brain’ by getting help at an addiction treatment center in New Jersey. A person seeking treatment works with…
We live in an age of instant gratification. Everything from our coffee to our messages arrives instantly so that we don’t have to wait on anything. So, it should be no surprise that we expect instant results during recovery from addiction. Thankfully, drug or alcohol addiction treatment programs teach us how to practice patience and…
Is my loved one an alcoholic? It is not easy to discover whether your loved one is an alcoholic, and sometimes it takes something dire to accept the truth. Some people who struggle with substance abuse may not portray the common signs, such as a decline in health, slurring, and staggering. It may be difficult…
Binge drinking is common, especially among college students. Binge drinking means drinking as much alcohol as needed for one to get drunk. Drinking to oblivion leads to the production of high blood alcohol levels that pass the 0.08% driving limit. Misguided college students often use the free time to practice binge drinking with their friends. Worse…
Most people in the United States drink beer or wine as a way of enjoying themselves or relaxing. Alcohol is common in most social gatherings as a way of celebration. To prevent alcohol use disorder, you need to monitor the amount of alcohol you consume. Heavy drinking means consuming more than three drinks a day…
As concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic continue and social distancing restrictions are still in place, you may wonder if you should seek help for alcohol and drug addiction. Addiction recovery during COVID-19 is just as important as it was before the epidemic. During this time, those who are recovering from addiction could be at an…