About Addiction
The topic of substance abuse inspires a lot of popular opinions — much of them misinformed. In part, that’s due to the way addiction and addiction treatment are portrayed in popular culture. Watch these depictions carefully, and you will be able to detect many addiction treatment myths. The reality about addiction treatment is vastly different…
People who suffer from childhood trauma and addiction often do not realize the impact that one has on the other. People exposed to recurring trauma such as abuse suffer from mental disorders, hormonal imbalance, and poor immunity. They also have numerous health problems as a result of addiction. A dual diagnosis treatment center provides opportunities…
Combating addiction can be difficult. During this time, your mind can take you in many different directions. Applying new ways of thinking and new methods of behavior instead of dangerous ones can aid addiction recovery. You most likely have heard the term “mindful” at one point or another in your life. However, you may wonder…
Treatment specialists have long known the correlation between childhood trauma and mental health. Adverse childhood experiences can cause a wide range of mental disorders throughout adolescence and adulthood. PTSD treatment centers in New Jersey focus on providing therapy for children and adults who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorders. Children who are abused, neglected, or experience…
Are you feeling lonely? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans struggle with loneliness each year. Although the condition is more common than you think, few people are capable of coping with loneliness on their own. They often need friends and family to help them feel connected. Loneliness and isolation are key symptoms of…
On Tuesday, September 15th, staff at Victory Bay Recovery Center in Laurel Springs, New Jersey announced a winner for their Victory Bay Recovery Center college scholarship essay. The scholarship essay was created for undergraduate and postgraduate college students to further Victory Bay’s message of helping people find their way back to health and happiness so…
What is trauma therapy? It is a form of treatment that recognizes and emphasizes how a traumatic event can affect a person’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. A trauma therapy program seeks to understand the correlation between the traumatic and a person’s current condition. A trauma can spark a wide range of mental disorders such…
For over 30 years, National Recovery Month has celebrated the gains made by individuals as they heal from substance use disorder and addiction. Every September, Recovery Month educates millions of Americans about the benefits of finding treatment. The core message is threefold–prevention works, treatment is the most effective way to heal, and recovery is not…
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), one hundred and fifteen Americans die every day from an opioid overdose. An overdose is defined as a response to when the human body receives too much of a substance. These substances include alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription medications. Often, overdoses are fatal but…
A trigger is an emotional reaction to situations or circumstances. As it relates to addiction, the emotional reaction is to drink or take drugs as a way of coping with the situation. Developing coping skills in an addiction treatment program in New Jersey can help you manage your triggers so that you do not relapse.…